
I have enjoyed having Shabbat lunch by many types of Jews, Ashkenazik, Sefardic, Hassidic, and many variations of the above. One thing I have seen in common, despite many variations of customs, is Cholent. How did it become so widespread that Jews of heralding from myriad countries all decided to eat hot stew on Shabbat morning? Why is it not eaten on Friday night as well?

Dreidels – Why Are They Central to Chanukah?

The dreidel signifies a very important aspect of the Chanukah holiday. In fact, it is as old as the menorah lighting itself.  If you take a look at the dreidel, which is Yiddish for “spinner” or “top,” you’ll notice a letter imprinted on each of its sides: nun, gimmel, hey and shin which stand for […]