DATA Central
DATA Central is the umbrella organization over our six branches and divisions. DATA’s goal is to provide outreach to the Dallas Jewish Community, guiding them as they explore their Jewish heritage through engaging, thought-provoking learning experiences in a warm and inviting atmosphere. DATA is dedicated to bringing the beauty and joy of Jewish learning to Jews of all backgrounds and affiliations.
What's Happening at DATA Central
Meet with one of our Kollel Rabbis to dive deeper into a topic of your choosing.
Attend a lesson by one of our amazing Rabbis, as they dive deeper into some of the most popular topics in Judaism.
Join our Rebbetzins for social events and to learn about the unique gifts bestowed upon Jewish women.
DATA offers over twenty-five classes weekly on various topics throughout Dallas.
Interested in joining a Shabbat meal? Contact us today to take part in this amazing experience.
Our Rabbis offer counseling for both couples and individuals to overcome life challenges.
Meet Our Rabbis

Rabbi Yerachmiel Fried
Rosh HaKollel

Rabbi Shaya Fox

Rabbi Hillel Muller