Chanukah and Christmas

As a mother, every year I am challenged by the proximity of Chanukah to Christmas. How can we possible compete, lighting our candles, with their stunning display of colorful lights filling the malls, decorating their houses and their trees? What do I say when the kids ask me if Chanukah is the Jewish Christmas?

Why do We Need A Bris?

We have been blessed with a baby boy and held the bris this week, and have some questions in that regard. Why is there a mitzvah to cut the foreskin of a baby? Also, if God is perfect, why would he create us in a way that is imperfect?

Breath of Life

Checking in on you after your leave of absence for sinus surgery


I have always wondered about blessings and their deeper meanings. Why do we make them and what is their importance?

Ayin Hara (or “Evil Eye”)

I have found that the words “Bli Ayin Hara”, (without an evil eye) are very common in Israel. As time went on I found that some people turn the idea of Ayin Hara into something that controls every facet of their lives. Some people don’t have guests over because they don’t want people “looking” at all the stuff in their house, so the guests shouldn’t look at their belongings with an “evil eye” and cause a loss. I don’t know if I’m required to believe in this “Ayin Hara” business or if I can just assume that everyone is good and looking at me and my family in a good light. If you could please shed some light for us on this subject we would be so grateful.