
This time of the year, as I follow along with the readings of the weekly Torah portion, I have a lot of trouble studying the sections we are now reading that deal with the building of the Mishkan – tabernacle. First of all, I have a problem relating to it; how does a building they built thousands of years ago affect our lives. Secondly, why do these portions appear in the book of Exodus, which is the story of the Exodus from Egypt. Why are they not in the next book of Leviticus which deals with the sacrifices they brought in the tabernacle?

We read about all kinds of miracles in the Bible. I would have a lot easier time believing in G-d if I could see miracles like our ancestors claim to have seen. How come there aren’t any more miracles today?
Terrorism and the Loss of Jews

Since the discovery of those precious, unfortunate souls I have felt so weak and empty; this whole thing just is so senseless to have three young boys murdered for nothing. Although it might not be so fair to say this (I can only express what I feel), I sort of feel like we were robbed by G-d to let us keep on praying for weeks when those poor boys were already dead and buried; what’s the point of praying for something that is already gone?! Why would G-d keep us all in suspense and mental torture just to keep praying for nothing?
Terrorism and Jewish Death

The news has moved on to other matters and the recent tragic loss of the four rabbis in Israel doesn’t seem to be on the minds of so many; I think we’ve all become calloused and numb from so much killing. The three boys, the attack in a synagogue, terrorism all over Israel, Europe and America,those killed and maimed in all the bombing, ISIS beheadings, and the list goes on. I, personally, am still shaking over the fact that there was such a slaughter in a synagogue in our day and time that has the look and feeling of the way I’ve always thought about the time of pogroms and Nazi murders. I’ve been struggling to find something constructive to do about it and feel feeble to find anything that would avenge their deaths and perhaps provide some meaning for the future. Could you possibly offer some insight?

Who was Maimonides and what are his “principles” that I’ve often heard references to?