The Jewish Definition of Love

Some of us have been discussing the meaning of love, which, it seems, is a pretty elusive concept. Could you give us a Jewish definition of love?

COVID and the Preciousness of Life

From newscasts I have seen it would seem that Orthodox Jews, who value the preciousness of life above Shabbat or any other value, are not adhering to the most basic CDC regulations, such as the wearing of a mask and gathering together en masse without protection? Is there a reason in Orthodoxy for this?

Life Decisions the Jewish Way

I’m wondering, what does the Torah say about how to make major decisions concerning such categories as: job, love, employment, major purchases, etc.? Is there an application from the Torah that can be applied to these and other situations in life?

Lag B’Omer

In temple religious school, our teacher said that in Israel many people light bonfires on Lag B’Omer. She couldn’t really give the reason why they do that. Could you please explain the significance of lighting bonfires on Lag B’Omer?

Kosher Kitchen

We are becoming more observant and considering becoming kosher. If we decide to do so, what process, if any, is available to make our dishes kosher, or must we get all new dishes?