The Jewish Definition of Love

Some of us have been discussing the meaning of love, which, it seems, is a pretty elusive concept. Could you give us a Jewish definition of love?
Love and Marriage

I was recently married to a wonderful man; from the moment we saw each other it was one of those “love at first sight” stories you think only exists in fiction. Now that we’re married, I’m more concerned that the love should continue “at second sight.” I know too many people for whom it didn’t last, and I want to do things differently. Is there a Jewish way to help ensure that our love should endure?
Love of G-d

I have recently begun some Jewish study and ran into a question. In the Shema prayer it says you should love G-d. From all I’ve grown up with and understood about love, the kind of behavior called “love” doesn’t jive with G-d. I don’t see how my love for my girlfriend is what I should feel for G-d. I hope you understand my question.
Love at First Sight

I am 37 years old and have been looking for “Mr. Right” for a long time. Two weeks ago I met a man who feels it was love at first sight, and we want to get married. I’m torn about it, because I also feel like I’ve fallen in love with him, but it’s been such a short a time. Does that matter, and does Judaism have a way to tell if love is really love? He’s a nice Jewish man and I don’t want to lose him but also don’t want to do the wrong thing.