Kaddish: Its Meaning (and Pets)

My cat recently died, and I want to know if it’s appropriate for me to recite the kaddish prayer for her? In case this sounds ludicrous allow me to explain. My ex-wife and I never had children, and we have been divorced for nearly 10 years. Through this past, painful decade, this cat has been a big part of my life; she gave me a lot more than I gave her. She gave me connection, she was a cure to my loneliness, and she gave me something to love. Now all that’s gone and all that remains is a hole of loneliness. I know sitting shiva would be going too far, but I thought that going to say kaddish for her would make up for some of that loss.
Disasters: Jewish Response, Pt. 2
Last week you wrote that events like the tsunami should be a cause for introspection and self-improvement. But I’m having a lot of trouble philosophically with all the devastation caused, which just seems so random. How could a compassionate God allow this to happen?
Disasters: Jewish Response
My friends and I have really felt devastated by the images we have seen of the tsunami and knowing about all the people who died there. We feel so helpless and want to do something. Is there a Jewish response to all this?
Natural Disasters: What Can We Learn from Them?
We’re all agonizing over the untold suffering going on in New Orleans and throughout the area, and the question of “how could God do this?” is on the lips of many could you offer any insight?
Disasters: Learning and Reacting (Hurricane Katrina)
There’s been much talk about the correct Jewish reaction to Katrina, as we discussed in last week’s column. Much praiseworthy action has been taken by our Jewish community. Our own Dallas Jewish Federation has already raised some $75,000. The coordinated community relief efforts are being handled by Jewish Family Service, and my organization, DATA, is […]