Lag B’Omer

In temple religious school, our teacher said that in Israel many people light bonfires on Lag B’Omer. She couldn’t really give the reason why they do that. Could you please explain the significance of lighting bonfires on Lag B’Omer?
Loving Our Fellow Jew

I’ve been very disturbed by the brazen murders taking place by terrorists in Israel, seemingly without end. I can’t help but think we’re being punished by the terrible discord between fellow Jews in Israel with all the rioting and terrible attacks from one Jew to another. What do you think about this?
Shabbos Nachamu
Can you please explain the meaning of Shabbat Nachamu? I heard in a class that there are three weeks of Haftara portions leading up to the day of Tisha B’av and then seven weeks of portions of comforting, starting with Nachamu. Why would there be so many more weeks of comforting, and how could we be comforted immediately after the destruction of our people? Could you please provide some explanation or meaning to this period; it would be appreciated!
Christmas Lights
At this time of year I see such pretty lights and decorations all around and I feel like I want to add some sparkle to my home!
Would this be considered avoda zara (involvement with another religion)?
What are your thoughts?
Chanukah: Continuing the Celebration
Two questions:
how do we preserve the message of Chanukah throughout the year?
Secondly, I was studying last week’s Torah portion, and was bothered by a question. When relating the story of Joseph and his brothers, the Torah says that they threw him into a pit, “…the pit was empty, no water was in it”. I have always been taught that the Torah doesn’t use extra words; if the pit was empty, obviously there’s no water in it. Isn’t this statement redundant?